Monday, August 27, 2007

Plantain: Rattlesnake

Rattlesnake Plantain (Goodyera oblongifolia)

2008 June 2

2008 June 19

2008 June 24

2008 July 1

2008 July 20

2008 July 27

2008 July 31

2008 May 18

This plant was growing in our own back yard so it was easy to document its progress!

The leaves were sometimes used as a poultice for cuts and sores or, a concoction was made for ulcer and stomach troubles. Some First Nations women chewed the leaves to ease childbirth.

1 comment:

Dina said...

Shalom to you from Jerusalem.
In a comment somewhere you mentioned _Hinds' Feet on High Places._ I loved the book. It helped me, as a Jew, to understand Christianity, more than all the scholarly theology books.
I stayed for a month in the Swiss mountain village where the author was inspired to write it.
Thanks for reminding me!